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Friday, December 30, 2011

"Easy" Bake Oven

Today I finally gave in and let Savannah break out the easy bake oven. Let's just say it isn't as easy as I remember . . . and the directions are terrible! The first time we tried red velvet cupcakes and I was using the wrong end of the spatula to insert the cupcakes into the oven. When I thought they were done I tried pushing them through the other end and made a huge mess! I guess we have lots of red velvet cupcake inside our oven already. So anyway, when I finally pushed them out, this is what we saw!

Savannah's first response was "OH NO! I can't sell them like that!"

HA! I'm not sure what was funnier, the thought that she was actually going to sell them or the fact that there was really nothing there to sell! So, onto our second batch of cupcakes, which came out much nicer. We even mixed the frosting and delivered them to our neighbors.

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Hahaha! We've also entered the world of Easy Bake ovens. We tried a Pillsbury biscuit just to see what it would do. FYI, it rose way too much and the top half sheared off on the way out of the oven. Next time we'll break off the top half before baking it!