Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Fun School Events & Another Tooth

This week has been jam packed with excitement for Savannah at school! On Tuesday she got to go on her first ever field trip. The entire kindergarten class went to Riverbend Farm and I was lucky enough to be able to go with them. I met the buses at the farm after WEE school drop off and had a blast all morning. Mrs. Hindman had assigned each parent a group of 5 students to keep up with, which I thought was small . . . until I tried to keep track of all 5 of them! Whew! They were fast and full of energy.

Here is Savannah with one of her favorite friends, Sachi.

My little group of 5. Thankfully, Mrs. Hindman said she separated the "zesty" ones and I only had one boy to keep up with. Funny thing is that it was one of the girls that wondered off TWICE!!

After a morning full of sliding, seeing farm animals, picking a pumpkin, and lunch these kids were ready to head back to school!

The fun continued at the Bachmann house as after dinner Dave pulled Savannah's second loose tooth!! It was all twisted and barely hanging on so he reached in and gently pulled it out. Yuck!! Of course the tooth fairy came again, but this time only brought one gold coin.

Although I hate the process of pulling teeth, I found it very cool that both permanent teeth were already coming in. You can seem them in the picture above.

The next big event was on Thursday when Savannah's class finally got to complete the Challenge Run at school. The PE department has organized this cool event where each kid runs for a set amount of time in the Fall and again in the Spring to try to beat their previous record of laps completed. They take it super serious with color coded numbers for each kid, music blaring, water afterwards, and even popsicles!! Although it was 42 degrees at 8am on Thursday, every kid still had to have their popsicle!

Preston was super excited to see Savannah at school!

Here is Savannah running with some of her friends and one of her teachers, Mrs. Gomsak.

Preston and I ventured out for the run to cheer for sissy. He LOVED going to "big school" and seeing sissy. . . I wish I could say that he loved leaving as much. At least I didn't have to hear him whine all day as I drove him right to his school.

Mrs. Hindman's Class after the Challenge Run

It's been a week full of excitement and cooler weather. We are enjoying a nice weekend at home and trying to recover from the craziness of the week. The weather is beautiful so I'm sure much time will be spent playing outside this afternoon and tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

seems like savannah had a full week and enjoyed every minute! the pics are so cute- i can simpathize being in charge of a group. when jackson was in 4th grade his class went to the outer banks and i was in charge of 3 boys for 3 days! eat,sleep and seeing the sites! i lost one on Jockey's Ridge lol-thankfully he found us and i didn't have to climb that sand hill!! see what you have to look forward to?? lol love ya'll dad/deb