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Thursday, September 01, 2011

A Kindergarten First . . . the BUS!!

Getting on the bus this morning, super excited!

All smiles when arriving home this afternoon too!

I think I can safely say that it was harder to let Savannah get onto the big yellow bus today than it was to drop her off for the first day of school! It has been a topic of discussion at home since school started so today was the day I finally gave in. Dave had to go in early and work late so I figured it might be helpful not to have to wait in the carpool line this afternoon. I was so anxious letting go and letting her ride without a seat belt but she did wonderfully!

When the bus arrived this afternoon she said that "riding the bus" was the best part of her day and then proceed to say "mom, when I get on the bus I just forget everything else about my day." So although the details about her school day are few, there were lots about the bus.

  • Her two friends from the neighborhood, Christian and Lena, both sat with her on the way to school

  • These same sweet girls walked her to her class and told her that they wanted to walk her to the class every day. :)

  • She has to look for bus K in the afternoon, but after school her bus wasn't there so she had to wait with a man holding the K sign. Then when the bus came he put the sign on the bus number and she knew that was her bus

  • Coming home she sat with some kindergarten boy who has a brother

  • The bus driver was not nice to some big kids who wouldn't get in their seats in the back of the bus before leaving school

  • Because there are no seatbelts she can just wear her backpack all of the way home!

  • And last but not least, she says she is "going to ride the bus every day, to school and back from school"

They seem to have a great system going at PSE (as with everything else). They have letters that they stick on on the buses so kids can easily find their bus. Savannah also has to wear a bus name tag that has all of her information on the back. Name, address, bus stops and times, and bus numbers. So if she were to head in the wrong direction she would easily be redirected. Maybe the big yellow bus isn't so bad after all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness- the BUS!! she's so little. obviously she loves it and it seems she is learning a lot of "life lessons" on that big bus! lol so glad she feels safe and you have prepared her well to accept that responsiblity- i know God will be riding with her everyday to protect her so that is a comfort to us all. keep us posted on the bus adventures and what bits you can find out about school lol love ya'll dad/deb