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Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Grandparent Fun

The past two weekends our kids have been spoiled rotten by both sets of grandparents!! It all started on Saturday, August 27 when we made a trip to Burlington to meet Pawpaw, Deborah, Great Grandma, and Denny's family at the Burlington City Park. Although the hurricane was threatening to wash us out, we made the trip anyway and boy are we glad that we did! The weather was perfect for a day at the city park! It was overcast, breezy, and only an occasional drizzle that aggravated us. Savannah and Preston had an absolute blast riding the rides and enjoying a sno cone treat from Pawpaw! Probably the funniest part was watching Preston jump up and down saying "ticket, ticket" to Pawpaw. Once he figured out that you had to have a ticket to ride and Pawpaw had the tickets, it was all over. I even got one of the episodes on video but of course have no idea how to upload it! :(

Preston and Savannah's favorite ride was this one, the helicopter

Savannah also loved the boats

. . . and so did Preston

But Preston wasn't so sure about the carousel

Time for some sno cone treats from Pawpaw. What a purple, sticky mess!!!

Then this past weekend, Dave's parents came for a long weekend so that Dave and I could go on vacation alone!! It has been since before Preston was born that Dave and I had a solo vacation . . . but this weekend was well worth the wait. The weather was incredible, mid 80s with bright sun and a slight breeze. We stayed on the beach for over 7 hours Sunday. Being able to read, people watch, sleep, and just relax in general without having to watch 2 little ones was such a treat. I do have to say that every time I saw a kid on the beach it made me miss Savannah and Preston A LOT, but we had a great weekend. A huge thank you to Grammy and Papa for offering to babysit for the weekend!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so glad you/dave had some time to spend together! sounds like it was a perfect weekend. i love the pics from the park outing--looking at preston makes me want a sno-cone!! lol they had a blast and so did we love ya'll dad/deb