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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dentist Dread

I absolutely hate the dentist! So when this morning arrived and it was time for Savannah and Preston to go for their regular dentist appointment I was nervous for them. They were super excited, mainly about the token they would get for the prize tower in the lobby, but none the less they were both excited! I had my doubts about how Preston would do since this was only his second visit and the last time was a disaster (granted he was only 18 months at the time). It took Savannah at least 3 visits before she would allow them to properly clean all of her teeth so I was completely shocked when Preston laid completely still for his entire dental cleaning!! It was so sweet how half way through he calls "mama" and then says "hand". He just needed to hold my hand to get through. Way to melt my heart, little boy! He was a little antsy by the time the dentist came for the last check and fluoride application, but overall he did AWESOME!! However, we got two bits of news that did not make this mama happy . . .

1) Savannah has two loose teeth! Ahhh!! The thought of teeth coming out and blood make me want to throw up. That will surely be a daddy task! Being curious, I asked about braces and Dr. Bird said that you really can't tell until the permanent teeth come in, but as of right now chances are high that Savannah will NOT have to have them. Yippee! We'll keep praying about that one. :) BUT,

2) Preston is already showing signs of having to have braces! He has to give up the paci, and according to Dr. Bird, it needs to be done ASAP! Who knew that sucking a paci can reshape the bones in your mouth?!? I asked about some creative ways to get rid of them and she suggested slowly clipping the end of the nipple until he can no longer suck the paci and therefore no longer wants it. As soon as we got home Savannah, being the big sister helper that she is, immediately rounded up all of Preston's pacis and told him we had to throw them away. He went crazy and I told her that we were going to try to clip them instead. So I got one and clipped it a little too short. Preston kept signing "broken" and screamed for a long time. So I got another one and clipped it only slightly . . . this is going to be a process for sure.


kristin said...

Two things:
1. Don't let Savannah sense your dread of loose teeth. We've lost 8, and every one is an ordeal. Someone holds her, she holds pancake, the other parent yanks the tooth while we all sing Jesus Loves Me. EVERY TIME. :)
2. COLD TURKEY! That's the best way to get rid of the paci, IMO. AK had hers until 2.5, and we had exactly one day of issues. Not one mention after that...

Good luck!

Donna said...

Funny, we go to Dr. Bird, too! She's great and the kids LOVE the office.

We've had one tooth lost here and it grosses me out, too. My sister had to pull it. C has another loose right now and Roy will have to do that one!

We have thumb suckers here---all three! Yikes!

Anonymous said...

don't be afraid of loose teeth- just be sure they are ready to pull (barely hanging on) and they will come out with no problem and very little blood. Preston is a smart little boy to know his paci was broken--that might take some time and creativity to get him to give it up but hang in there it can be done. i haven't ever seen a kid in kindergarten with one! lol
good luck love dad/deb