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Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Summer Has Begun!!

Over the past week, Preston's vocabulary has exploded!! Not only is he using more words, but he is stringing several words together. "I want juice" is his favorite saying right now, but he is finally regularly using phrases! Hallelujah!! Now, mind you, they aren't super clear phrases, but at least we're to the point of being able to communicate well. I love it!! He's also finally started shaking his head (really his whole top half) to say yes instead of gasping over and over to signal yes. I have to mention his favorite word right now is MINE. His progress just in the past week has been incredible!!

An afternoon snack . . . I guess I shouldn't have left him alone with pudding long enough to check my e-mail since he hasn't made much progress with eating pudding.

Today was our first day at the pool! As expected, I had to be in the water and couldn't relax with a magazine (no, I didn't even bring one to read) but at least the kids had a blast. Right now only one local pool is open in the morning so it was super crowded! We did run into several girls from church so at least I had friends to chat with.

About 30 seconds after getting in the pool, Preston fell under! I called the swim instructor as soon as we got home to sign him up for lessons!

Enjoying a picnic lunch before heading home for nap time!


Chelle said...

Yay! I'm so glad Preston's speech is improving. I know that is a huge relief for you all! :)

Anonymous said...

i know you are super excited to finally be able to know what preston is trying to tell you, makes life easier.
looks like the swimming was fun for everyone.
but i have to say my fav pic is preston and that pudding!! he made it look so tasty my mouth was watering lol that boy really gets "into" his food! love it