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Saturday, May 07, 2011

Preston's Sleep Update

Well, let's just say that there has been a LITTLE BIT of improvement in Preston's sleep. By Thursday I became desperate with things continuing to go downhill. Without getting a break from screaming during the day, having to get up during the wee hours of the morning, and listening to 3+ hours of screaming at bedtime, I was completely exhausted! So, that afternoon I decided to transition the crib to a toddler bed. At least then Preston would have to get his own stupid lovey and paci when he threw them out.

Savannah passing down her stool to Preston

I also made an appointment to take him into the doctor after school yesterday and of course, as I expected, he is perfectly fine in terms of health. Dr. Baker suggested that we continue to let him scream, but he did say that we should go in his room with increasing intervals. He assured me that there would be no long term damage even though Preston barely has a voice now and that the vocal cords could heal. He also suggested trying Benadryl. So, last night we put him to bed and I laid on the floor for a few minutes. He fell asleep and I left. Thankfully he slept until 4am in his big boy bed!!! However, he did come running into our room at 4 calling "mama, mama". I didn't lock the door or gate it for fear the noise would wake him up. oops. Anyway, I put him back in bed and he slept until 7:30am. Woo hoo!

Naptime continues to be a challenge, but at least now I know that it's possible to make good progress. He did finally go to sleep this afternoon after 1+ hours of crying and slept for an hour or so. Oh, and one improvement is that there is no more screaming since he doesn't have a voice! It's more moaning and crying mixed with a lot of "maaaa maaaa, maaa maaa".

At first, Preston loved his big boy bed! However, he quickly realized that it was the end of the lovey game and decided maybe it wasn't so great.

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