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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Great Grandma Bettie

Last Friday I received a call from my Grandma saying that Great Grandma had passed away. Although we weren't shocked to hear the news since she had just recently been doing pretty poorly in the nursing home, and since she lived an amazing 99 1/2 years, it was still a very sad time for our family. Her late husband was Preston, who we named our Preston after, and I so regret that she never got to meet little Preston in person. Although she isn't biologically my great grandmother, she is the closest thing. She married my Great Grandfather, Preston, after Pawpaw's mother passed when he was very young. All our life she has been our Great Grandma . . . and what a blessing she has been. I have so many memories of delicious holiday meals with fresh sausage and biscuits, summer days at her house, and even one vacation we took together to the mountains. She had such a great sense of humor and always kept us laughing. Although we'll miss her a lot, it's nice to know that she is now happy, healthy and reunited with her husband, Pawpaw, and even my mom ~ who loved her so!


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