Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Happy 32!!!

If there's one thing I'm sure of it's that my little Savannah was super excited to celebrate my birthday today. She still has a hard time understanding that big people don't always have parties, but thanks to Dave, she really does think everyone who has a birthday has to have a cake. Thankfully, I convinced him to scale it back and we ended up with cupcakes instead of a huge cake this year . . . but they were specially made Coldstone cupcakes, complete with pink icing and sprinkles!! Yumm0! They were supposed to be a surprise, but when Savannah greeted Dave at the door yesterday she saw him put them in the outside freezer and must have told me 100 times today that I had cupcakes in the freezer. :) I love how she's so sweet and innocent with just spilling everything she knows.

Anyway, I had an awesome day with lots of cards in the mailbox, calls from family and friends, facebook messages, and of course dinner out! How thankful I am that the Lord blessed me with another healthy year. Here's to many more!!!

1 comment:

laurie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sounds like it was a perfect day with yummy cupcakes. I love you and are so grateful for what you mean to me. Enjoy your day!!