Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Cousin Fun!

This weekend Dave's sister and her girls came for a visit. For days Savannah had talked about having Alyssa spend TWO nights at her house and couldn't wait for them to arrive. We had a lot of fun and did many activities including: painting pottery, bowling, riding in the Barbie jeep, making crafts, swinging, and eating lots of yummy food! We attempted to do a cousin picture at Portrait Innovations . . . and let me tell you I dislike that place even more after our last visit. It gives me chills to just think about how they squeal at the kids and Preston showed them just how much he hated it too. We didn't get one single picture that was even worth looking at on the big screen. So, after over an hour of bribing the kids with puffs, we packed up and left! Here's an example of what we were dealing with, a Preston tantrum. This one just happens to be in his high chair, but lately his favorite way to show his dislike of something is to hit his head on the floor and scream. When that doesn't work, he rolls over hands above his head and lays flat on his back screaming. Yep, gotta love this stage! So needless to say we have no pictures. ;(

Here is a morning fun picture of the kids playing in the tent. The big girls loved playing with the babies!

The girls were super excited about bowling, but only lasted a game and two frames of the second game. Oh well, they were free games so we packed up and left!

It was a super fun weekend and we are glad to have been able to spend some quality time with Susan and the girls!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like you all had a great weekend with lots of fun stuff! at preston's 16th bd party you will have to blow up the "tantrum" pic! to funny. drama king lol
can't wait to see all of you really soon.