Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

One Crazy Week

This week has been insane! Right after the party on Saturday, Bible school started on Sunday night! I volunteered to teach so all week I've been getting up at the crack of dawn to run and get ready to be at church by 8:30 a.m. (we didn't actually make that once this week, but we tried hard). The hardest part was Preston missing his morning nap every day and being quite fussy by the afternoon. Whew!

To add to the fun, on Sunday night we discovered that I had a flat tire so we borrowed my neighbor's air machine and re inflated it. Well, by Monday morning it was flat again so we refilled it again and Dave took it to work to be fixed. Thankfully it was an easy repair and we didn't need a new tire. However, while the car was there somehow Preston's car seat was taken out and reinstalled a little unstable. Sooo, being that it was only a few days early I decided to go ahead and flip it around. He is LOVING it!!! Seriously, I'm amazed at how much happier he is in the car now!

Preston's first trip forward facing! Mom are you sure this is right??

On Tuesday we celebrated Savannah's 4th birthday! It was low key with opening gifts and dinner at Chick fil A (see previous post). Thursday we again celebrated her birthday and the end of Bible school by going to Coldstone for her birthday ice cream treat! Yummy!!!

By Friday I was completely exhausted, not to mention way behind on a lot of household chores and to dos. Soo, I pretty much let the kids watch TV and play together while I was on the computer. Bad mama I know! Anyway, here is what I found when I did emerge from the computer desk . . .

Savannah's favorite thing to do now is take the couch cushions off so Preston can climb up! He loves being able to get on the sofa and crawl all around. You can't see it in the picture, but I've trained her to put the cushions right below the sofa incase he falls off. We ended the week with daddy coming home early and we hit the pool!

Needless to say we all slept well last night after such a crazy week. Today we'll be celebrating our 6th anniversary and we're going to dinner alone!!!

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