Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Saturday, June 05, 2010

My Awesome Husband

I have to do a little brag post here . . . and give credit where credit is due. Yesterday was totally chaos for me. I spent pretty much all morning dealing with trying to get our digital phone installed and trying to get our air conditioner repair expedited, so after a quick trip to Target my morning was done! I had a retreat to go to for the weekend, here in Charlotte, but away from home for the night and I was honestly scared to death to leave Dave with a teething infant, needy toddler, and NO AIRCONDITIONER!! I had to leave before he got home from work so my precious neighbor came over to watch the kids (who I thought would be napping) until Dave could get home early from work.

All I could think about was what a disaster my house was, how I left Preston naked and without a nap, and that I was comfy in a hotel and I left Dave at home, hot, with 2 kids!! I skipped out a little early on our lunch this afternoon and quickly came home to find . . . . two super happy kids and a husband who had everything under control. I didn't doubt that he could handle it, but I sure felt guilty for leaving him in such undesirable conditions. Anyway, I have to say that not once did he give me any grief about being gone. According to him, everyone slept well, ate well, and was super well behaved.

God knew exactly what I needed in a mate. He blessed me with a husband who is super patient, loving, considerate, and great with kids! Did I mention laid back?? Thank you Dave for being so willing to let me escape for a night, for being such an awesome daddy, and for being just what our family needs!!

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