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Wednesday, May 05, 2010

This Week

This week has been quite stressful for me. I'd like to think it was because of the mountain of things that I need to get done or the shed that still needs painting or maybe even the house that needs cleaning, but deep down I know it's because Sunday is quickly approaching. Mother's Day is a day when I should be able to relax and just enjoy the two amazing children God has given me, yet this year it is so sad for me. I can still vividly remember last Mother's Day when mom was in ICU at Wake Forest. We drove there after church and I had a card with Savannah's voice to give her. Dave took Savannah to a park while I visited with mom for awhile. I'm not sure when I realized that her cancer was terminal, but I know that day I knew it was really, really bad. However, I never imagined it'd be my last mother's day with her ~ had I know I'd probably spent hours by her side. So as Mother's Day approaches I'm trying not to let Satan control my emotions, rather trying to celebrate that this year my mom is completely healed . . . yet it's still really hard. For those of you with mamas here, hold them close this week and love them lots. I miss you so much mom!

1 comment:

Anna Morrison said...

Thank you for this amazingly heartfelt post. I know those words may have been tough to type.

You are such a gem of a daughter. I know your mother loved mothering you. Celebrate that. Hold her memory close, I know you will. Keep the hankies close as Sunday approaches and presents itself. Cry if you need to. Don't beat yourself up, your mom wouldn't want that.

Your children are so blessed to have you. Happy Mother's Day, Chrystal.