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Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine's Party

Story time with Sara's mom, Miss Chelle

Craft time. Savannah made me an adorable heart necklace!

Today I helped with Savannah's WEE school party. It was quite an adventure trying to get everything ready, but we did it and only forgot one thing, her vacuum for show and tell! I was in charge of treat bags and managed to get them together along with teacher gifts, little sweets for Savannah's favorite friends that we made on Wednesday, her valentine cards for everyone in the class, a meal for a family in our Sunday school class, and even had Preston dressed and fed before the big party! Whew! Speaking of Preston, he LOVED being at the party and sat quietly in his stroller the entire time. This kid just soaks up attention and he loves a good party! So now we're watching the snow pour down and waiting for daddy to get home for the weekend! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like ya'll had a busy and fun filled day on friday. just think in a couple of years you can do all that 2 times, once for each makes me tired to think about it lol