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Thursday, February 04, 2010

An Addiction

I've always wondered why people who are addicted to harmful things cannot just give them up, but I'm beginning to realize how addictions can truly consume who you are and what you do daily! I know I have talked a lot about saving money on this blog, but truly, I am addicted to saving money by clipping coupons. I know it sounds crazy, but I've really been trying to only get the necessities from the grocery store each week (since we could totally live out of our freezers and pantries for a month) but I cannot just buy milk and produce. I am addicted to getting the best deals and stocking up when there is a good sale. For example, this week I went to BiLo yesterday and got more than we needed for the week. I was determined not to go to Harris Teeter, but after going through my coupons and the sale paper I just couldn't resist . . . I'm addicted! I did end up getting 5 things of goldfish, 4 large containers of apple juice, butter, a gallon of milk, a quart of chocolate milk, 2 tacos, 2 boxes of poptarts, juice boxes (no coupon and not on sale, but Savannah's teachers told me she NEEDS a box instead of bottle), and a large frozen pizza for a whopping $5.41! I wonder if there is a support group for this . . .


Anonymous said...

do you need an intervention!? my goodness, if i am going to be addicted i wouldn't mind a coupon addiction lol

Jen Currin said...

Ok, I really need a lesson in savings from you! What is the secret? I just don't save like this from clipping the Sunday!