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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

We started our Christmas festivities early this year and will end them later than normal too. What fun to be able to celebrate Christ's birth for almost two weeks!! Here is a little peek into our fun so far:

Tuesday 12/22: Jamen and his parents came for a visit. It was fun visiting with them, opening gifts, and having lunch out at Chick fil A. I didn't even think to take a picture, but I assure you with Earl (Jamen's dad) here there wasn't a dull moment!

Wednesday 12/23: Denny, Madison, and Dillon came to visit for the morning. Kristin had to work and we missed having her here for sure. It was fun seeing Savannah play with her cousins. They have SO much fun together . . . which makes me sad that they don't get to see each other more often. Anyway, we exchanged gifts and headed to Chick fil A for lunch again. (Now I guess it makes sense why Savannah says "my pleasure" instead of you're welcome)

Me with Maddie, Savannah, and Dillon

Thursday 12/24: This year we had our Christmas with my side of the family here in Charlotte. It was SO nice not to have to pack up two kids and all of their equipment along with the gifts and head out of town. We enjoyed having grandma, dad, Deborah, Mark and Carol here for a late lunch. The food was plentiful and so were the gifts! After Dad and Deborah get through giving gifts, there really is nothing left for Santa to bring. Even Savannah agreed that Santa didn't need to come! What fun it is to experience Christmas through the eyes of a child!

Matching Christmas sweaters!

Preston loves his new sock monkey . . . and Pawpaw too!

Savannah, the rock star!

A family shot (Preston was sleeping)

Pawpaw helping Savannah learn to play her pink Dora guitar. "Now I can be in a big parade!"

Pure joy! She got this hair cut set from Grandma!

Pawpaw, our crazy kids, and Deborah

Friday 12/25: Our little family celebrated Christmas here, in our own house! It was quite a bit different not waking up in mom's house with the smell of a delicious breakfast, but we did it. After opening Santa's gifts I attempted to make mom's french toast (it didn't even come close to hers) and we exchanged our presents. We stayed in our pajamas most of the day and just enjoyed being with our family here at home.

Savannah and Preston with their emptied stockings

Savannah with her new hair cut station! Enough pictures mom, let me play!!

The annual stocking picture

Preston enjoying a gift from Pawpaw and Deborah

We are excited about celebrating Christmas with Dave's side of the family this coming weekend. Now if I can just get all of these toys put away in time! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed precious time with family and friends. If there's one thing I've learned over the past year it's to NEVER EVER take a second with family for granted. It sure was different without mom, but what an incredible Christmas she must have had celebrating Jesus' birth with Him!! She probably even helped bake him a cake and some of her famous maple cream candies. :)

1 comment:

Anna Morrison said...

Sweet Girl . . . I loved looking in on your Christmas celebration. Savannah's growing up so fast!
You look great in the photos! Makes me miss you so much.
I know you are holding your Mom extra close during this holiday season. Thinking of you . . .