Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Friday, October 30, 2009

What We've Been up To

This week has flown by . . . well except for the afternoons which draaaagggg on forever. Preston seems to be recovering well from his ear infection, but is still refusing to take any kind of decent nap during the day. His lack of daytime sleeping has also effected his sleep at night and he has been up several times over the past few nights. Thankfully, I have a wonderful husband who has been a lifesaver. Several nights he's gotten up to settle Preston without me even knowing! Wednesday night this week BOTH kids were up at 1am crying so it took both of us up and in action. Whew! Who could be frustrated with a face like this though?

On Wednesday my friend Donna hosted a huge Halloween party for the kids (and mommies+Ben). They had a blast! My pictures didn't come our very well so I stole these from my friend Chelle's blog. Can't you just see the sheer joy in their little faces?!

Savannah with her "best friend" Sara on the Barbie jeep. They rode and rode this thing and managed to get stuck in Mr. Roy's landscaping several times.

These four kiddos are such good friends. L to R is Sara, Anna Kate, Savannah, and Jack.

It's days like this that I have to remember what a blessing it is to be able to stay home with Savannah and Preston. What a huge freedom to be able to pack up midday and go to a Halloween party! I love the fact that we have such a close group of friends and children so close in age.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love the costumes and all the smiles. i know everyone had a great time by looking at their faces. and what great weather for a halloween party! wish we could have been there to experience it with you all. hugs and kisses