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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Flipping Over and Over and Over Again

This boy is driving me NUTS! Every time we put him down in a bouncy seat, swing, or anything else he immediately tries to escape by flipping over. If we strap him in he screams so we generally just sit him down and keep a close eye on him, but it's making me crazy! The same thing is true in his crib. As soon as we put him down he flips over to his stomach and then screams. This happens over and over and over again . . . any suggestions??


Christian Carroll Stewart said...

humm. Maybe it's time to tell the bouncy seat/swing goodbye and just let him play on the floor. Is he big enough for an exersaucer or a doorway jumper? I think I used blankets and propped Ava up in those before she was really big enough and she loved it. No idea what to tell you about the crib. That's a tough one.

Anonymous said...

teach him to roll over!! hehehe
do you remember savannah doing the same thing? does he seem to like being on his belly or back better? maybe on his belly you could get him interested in a toy. don't worry he'll figure out how to roll over in no time- but then you know what's next---crawling! maybe you could get savannah to help by rolling him from one side to the next lol love ya dad/deb xoxox

Donna said...

Hahah! Chrystal has a boy! Welcome to life with a boy:) I think Christy is right...time to say bye to the bouncy seat and hello to the exersaucer.

laurie said...

is there a buckle on that thing? haha