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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Staycation 2009

We weren't quite brave enough to take a trip with a newborn and toddler this summer so we decided to save a little money and a lot of sanity and stay here in Charlotte. Our staycation started on Friday and lasted though Tuesday with having daddy home. Although Dave didn't get much rest, it was super nice for me to have an extra set of hands here! We did venture out Monday to the zoo in Columbia . . . and let me tell you, Mondays are definitely the days to go! The zoo was practically empty and we had a blast. It was so nice not being shoved around and being able to let Savannah walk freely around with us. Here are a few pictures from our trip.

Savannah and daddy watching the gorillas being fed. We found it very interesting that they only eat vegetables and fruit. We also learned that they have a type of hierarchy where the "in charge" gorilla is always fed first. It's amazing what you can learn when you aren't rushed around!

Savannah insisted, and I mean insisted, on having a picture taken with daddy on ALL of the metal animals!

Yet another picture on an animal statue!

This is by far my favorite picture. Notice that there isn't another person anywhere close. Savannah loved feeding the giraffe!

Not the greatest picture, but just wanted to remember that Preston and mommy were there too! You can see the stinky elephants in the background.

Check out Savannah's face! Clearly, it was time to go home!

So today we're attempting to get back to some type of routine . . . although Harris Teeter is having triples again this week and the big consignment sales are this weekend so I'm not sure exactly how routine life will be! :)


Donna said...

So cute how she wanted her picture with Dave on all the animal statues! I forgot about that zoo. We'll have to go there sometime soon.

Christian Carroll Stewart said...

oh I love the pic of Savannah and the giraffe. How cute. Glad you had some help for a few days!

Heather said...

I am glad that you had a good time, we have been a couple times and enjoyed it. Savannah looks so cute in her pigtails!

Anonymous said...

those pics are soooo cute! i can't wait to hear savannah tell us about feeding the giraffe--and i love her independance! i know you all had a great time. we'll have to see about going with you sometime in the spring- preston will be old enough then to really notice the animals. dad/deb