Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

8 Days and Counting

Well we've managed to survive the first eight days of having a baby and six days at home as a family of four!!! I have to say that although Preston is a great baby, it has been quite an adjustment for us all. Savannah is still doing pretty well with everything, but much of that is thanks to Daddy who has been home all week as well as Grammy and Papa who have been here to entertain her. This week will be the true challenge as Dave heads back to work tomorrow and Grammy heads back to Atlanta on Tuesday. Plus, Dave will be working super late all week as it's month end once again. Whew! I think I'll either be broken into having 2 kids or just be plain broken down by the time Friday rolls around. Here are a few pictures from our week:

Preston on his bili light. Thankfully after the doctor visit on Thursday we were able to discontinue the jaundice treatment!

Grammy and Papa arrived late Friday night. Here is Papa reading the kids a story.

Savannah holding her brother for the first time Saturday morning

Preston's first sponge bath . . . he hated it!

Alyssa and Savannah wearing their dresses that Grammy made. Alyssa, Susan, and Brian came for a visit today to meet Preston and celebrate Savannah's birthday too!


Heather said...

Oh Crystal, I will be praying for you this week, especially in the evening while Dave is working late. Hang in there it will get easier. I wish I was closer so I could come and get Savannah to play for the day.
Also, don't worry if you don't get out of your jammies all day long. Do what you have to do to make it through the day. I remember many of those days at the beginning.

Anonymous said...

such cute pictures! i'm glad savannah got the courage to hold preston. don't worry about next week just do what you can when you can and the rest can wait, yep i said wait! :) savannah will be a big help and that will keep her busy. enjoy being a mommy first and everything else will fall into place. we miss ya'll and hope to see you in the next couple of weeks. xoxox to the kids dad/deb

Donna said...

What a cute picture of Savannah, Preston and their Papa!! I know Dave's parents couldn't wait to meet him:) Chrystal, you are doing great and you will continue to do well. Isn't the second time around so much easier?!

Oh, and I love the matching dresses! How sweet:)

Jen Currin said...

sweet! sweet! sweet!

kristin said...

Savannah looks like an old pro at brother-holding. She's going to love him so much, and he's going to love her even more! She will be entertaining him in no time!

Sherri said...

So adorable!