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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend

What a special weekend this has been for us. We actually celebrated my mother's day yesterday since we knew today would be crazy with getting up early for church and visiting mom in Winston, but what a great day it was! Dave got up early to get us Chick fil A biscuits and we all enjoyed them in bed along with some Saturday morning cartoons. We had a low key morning with working on a few things around the house and then headed to Gaffney to see what was new at the Pottery Barn outlet. We ended up doing quite a bit of shopping and had dinner at Cracker Barrel before heading home.

Today after a great service at church we headed straight to Winston to visit with mom. It was so nice to see her feeling better and able to talk for awhile. She is still very sick and needs lots of prayers, but at least now the doctors are hopefully that she'll make it home by the end of the week! Dave surprised me with a ice cream cake when we got back home to top off a wonderful mother's day weekend.

I am so thankful to have such wonderful mother role models in my life. To my own mom who has raised me and my brother with such high values, who would do absolutely anything for us, who loves us unconditionally, and has sacrificed for us daily ~ thanks for showing me how to be a great mom and for molding me into the mom I myself am today. To my grandmother ~ thanks for bringing such joy and laughter into my life and for setting such a godly example of marriage. To my mother in law ~ thanks for being such a terrific mom to my wonderful husband and for the way you raised him to be a godly man. Finally, to my amazing mommy friends ~ thank you for walking this journey of motherhood daily with me, for listening, offering advice and encouragement, lending helping hands, and for loving me. I couldn't be the mommy I am without each and everyone one of you!

Happy Mother's Day!!!


Donna said...

I'm so glad you had a good weekend! I'm so glad to hear that your mom is doing better and may go home this week??!!! What an answer to prayer! I can't wait to hear the details. Happy Mother's Day:)

Anna Morrison said...

Enjoyed your post. Happy Mother's Day to you as well.

Thanks for my birthday card. You always remember. It is sitting in my windowsill. :)

Love you.