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Thursday, March 05, 2009

Prayer Request

Many of you may remember over a year ago when I sent an e-mail asking everyone to pray hard for my precious friend Elaine and her son Ethan. Ethan had a very rare condition where hemangiomas (a collection of blood vessels) were blocking his airway making it difficult (actually, impossible) for him to breathe on his own. After a long and scary road of multiple surgeries and a tracheotomy, he is now a healthy 2 year old boy who is no different than any other 2 year old.

This week these memories have all come back as another one of the girls in Bible study is travelling this same road with her 3 month old son, John Robert. It's hard to even believe that a condition so rare with only a few children in the country having it has hit our little Bible study group twice! Right now all we know is that little John Robert's airway is 25% blocked by one hemangioma. They are trying to get him in ASAP for a full scope of his esophagus and airway to determine whether there are other blockages and if so, the extent of them. Once this is done, the doctors will make a recommendation for a course of treatment which could include steroids, laser surgery, or possibly even a tracheotomy. This sweet family has a difficult road ahead of them and I know that they would appreciate all of your prayers.


Anonymous said...

I'm praying.
Love you bunches,

Christian Carroll Stewart said...

I just heard about this tonight from Elizabeth. We will be praying for little John Robert and his family! I know that must be so difficult..........

laurie said...

Goodness, I'm so sorry about John Robert, but what a blessing that GOd totally provided a family that could truly empathize and be a source of encouragement. I will be praying for his family during this uncertain time of waiting.