Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Friday, February 27, 2009


Right now I feel like I'm running a rat race in a life that is completely insane. I mean how in the world can I possibly find so many things that "need" to be done in such a short period of time? I just can't seem to get things caught up . . . and yet I still find some time to update this blog, facebook, and of course check e-mail. I'm trying desperately to take to heart my friend Elaine's philosophy that some things simply just have to wait, but it's hard for me! So, although I NEED to be completing my final for the online class that I'm taking to renew my teaching license, I just WANTED to take a minute to share a few highlights from this week.

I'll start with my K-Mart trip this morning. It's super doubles again this week and here are the 49 items that I cost me a whopping $34!!! I saved over $133 in coupons so it was well worth the 57 extra minutes I had to wait after checking out so the cashier could determine which 10 of 50 coupons didn't scan!! AHH!!! Savannah was awesome and really helped me out with being super patient as they went through the mile long receipt item by item.

Yesterday was crazy as I negotiated buying a crib off of Craig's list for our new little boy. It was worth the 2 trips I made to Fort Mill, having to eat a 3:00 lunch and take a 7 minute shower at 2:45 (before my 3:00 tutoring appointment) because we got a really nice crib for an awesome price. I can't wait to get it all reassembled and start our new nursery.

Wednesday Savannah had her first ever big boo boo! She was running through the house and hit her little head smack on the corner of our chair rail on the wall. It immediately swelled up, but I iced it before heading out the door to Bible study and gave her some Motrin. She woke up Thursday still complaining about her head hurting, but seems to be better now.

Tomorrow I'm off to meet my friend Heather who is visiting from Florida. We're going to hit a consignment sale in Concord and then do lunch.

Vacation is just a week away . . . and we all NEED it! :)


Christian Carroll Stewart said...

ohh. I didn't know about Kamart! I'll have to check them out. I've been debating about the Concord sale. Have you been before? Is it a good one?

Sherri said...

You seriously need to teach a class with Melissa on how to save that much money! That is great. So glad you all are going on vacation in a week - you deserve it!

Donna said...

wait wait wait...what Concord sale?! I'm going to that new consignment store tomorrow to see if it's good:)

GOOD JOB on the coupons! I bet Kmart is cleared out of wipes by now b/w all of us that have gone!!

Sorry about Savannah's head.

Anonymous said...

Send me a picture of Savannah's head so I'll know she is ok. Kiss her boo boo for me and tell her Granny loves her.
Love you bunches,

kristin said...

I'm with Elaine - some things just can not be done. I'm learning that lesson day by day. And it's not easy :) Yay on your bargains!