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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Children Updates

On the baby front, I finally felt the baby move yesterday afternoon!! How exciting. I had forgotten how fun it is to feel movement and have that reassurance that everything is okay. Things are still going well with my pregnancy, other than some minor carpal tunnel that has already started.

Savannah, however, is a different story. She hasn't been poopy on the potty since last Thursday and has me very worried. I've called the doctor at least 3 different times and tried everything from Miralax to a high fiber diet, to letting her wear a pull up to try to potty, but nothing seems to be working. I will be taking her in to see Dr. Baker tomorrow morning is she still doesn't go today. The appointment with the sleep specialist went well yesterday. He doesn't think she has sleep apnea because she's not a regular snorer, but wants to do a sleep study just to make sure. Hopefully he's right and she is just experiencing irregular breathing during REM sleep. If he's wrong, and she does have sleep apnea, then we'll have to have her tonsils and adenoids removed. Either way, I'll be sleeping on a cot (in the pediatric sleep lab, 6 months pregnant) with Savannah to find out what's going on with her sleep issues. Is there a type of doctor that we haven't seen yet??


Christian Carroll Stewart said...

Wait, I'm confused. She hasn't pooped AT ALL since Thursday or she hasn't pooped on the potty? I hope she's at least pooped somewhere, that must be painful! we have the opposite problem, Ava sometimes poops on the potty but doesn't pee. She's still young so I'm not pushing her yet. Glad the sleep Dr didn't seem too worried. Hopefully you don't have to get her tonsils out!

Chelle said...

Yay! I'm so glad you felt little man move! It's such an amazing thing! :)