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Saturday, December 20, 2008

A BLUE Night

As they say, all good things must come to an end . . . and our perfect day ended in a very blue way about 2:00 this morning. Savannah started crying "mommy, mommy" and I went in to find her, the bed, pillow, blanket, etc. covered in blueberries. I'll spare the details, but let's just say that I "slept" on the floor of her room and assisted her at least 4 more times with being sick. It seems like every year we have the stomach virus and bronchitis right before Christmas. Hopefully Dave and I will stay well and we'll all be healthy for Christmas this year.


Donna said...

Aw, man! I just commented on your "good day" and then read this! So sorry. Knock on wood, but we haven't been sick yet this year!!! Hope Savannah feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

Please stay well for Christmas.
I'm going to be selfish now because I want to see you. If you need me call and I'll find a way to get there. I know it is so hard on you, not having your family near to help you. I miss that part of being Mom and grand ma. I wish you lived closer so that I could pop over to help out. Give Savannah a big hug and kiss from me.
Love you bunches,

Nancy said...

I hope by now Savannah is feeling better - Take care of yourself!