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Saturday, November 01, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Savannah was super excited about Halloween yesterday. So excited that she refused to take a nap and spent over an hour in her crib talking about going "Trick or Treat". When I finally decided to get her up she was literally jumping in the bed shouting "I go trick or treat, I go trick or treat." It was a fun night with our annual neighborhood block party complete with pizza and then seeing Savannah get so excited over all of the candy. Here are a few pictures of our cute ladybug.

Here she is at her first stop, Miss Marlene's house . . . which is no longer for sale! YEAH!! They're staying here for good!!

And here is the loot! Way to go with the candy, Savannah. Dave told me a cute story about how they were at one house and the lady just held out the bowl for her. He said Savannah kept taking a piece at a time saying "one for mommy, one for daddy, one for sananna" until he finally drug her away. How cute that she even thinks of getting candy for mommy and daddy! I love that girl! :)


Anonymous said...

I LOVE THAT GIRL TOO! Thank you for all the pictures. Hugs and kisses! Love you bunches, Mom

Anna Morrison said...

That is one cute ladybug!

Donna said...

She is so sweet! I love that she was so excited about trick -or- treating!

Good news about your neighbor! I know you're happy:)

Jessica said...

She is the cutest little ladybug! It looks like she had a great time!