Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fun Times

This weekend was quite busy! We started on Saturday with a day trip to Burlington for a wedding. Savannah could hardly wait to spend time with Granny, Pawpaw, and Ms. Deborah while we were at the wedding. She kept saying "I go granny's house, I go pawpaw's house" so boy were we excited to finally arrive to my mom's house! We enjoyed some lunch and Savannah had a blast playing with Granny and all of her toys. When it was time to go, she pitched a royal fit crying "I no go bye bye. I stay with Granny." Thankfully, we quickly made it to Pawpaw's house where she could further be entertained. We dropped her off and headed to the wedding. While we were gone she had some quality time with her cousins too.

Crazy cousins!

We stopped by Concord Mills on the way home and finally pulled in the driveway around 8:00 last night! Whew. What a long day! We decided to sleep in this morning (shame, shame on us) and just go to the later service. After church and a quick lunch we headed over to the Graham's house for Roy Austin's first birthday party. The kids had a blast wearing their costumes, eating some delicious food, making pumpkins, jumping in the bounce house, and playing on the swingset. Donna, it was an AWESOME party!

Savannah throwing balls at the pumpkins

Here is Savannah with Baby Kathryn. Aren't they cute?

After the party, our little ladybug crashed for a seriously long nap. We finally woke her up at 5:30 to get ready for dinner. It was a fun weekend, but we are completely exhausted. Dave is still working hard to carve a Dora pumpkin for Savannah . . . it'll hopefully be finished tomorrow night!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Can't wait to see the Dora pumpkin. Is he using a pattern and if so where did you find it?