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Sunday, August 03, 2008

Sunday School

Growing up I don't really remember much about going to Sunday school. I know that I went, but as far as the details and Bible stories, I think it was much later in life that I really started learning and understanding biblical things. Anyway, I have known for awhile that Savannah's experience would be vastly different than mine. She already LOVES going to church and is learning tons, even at the age of two. I am so thankful to be part of a church that loves and nurtures children from the youngest ages to know that God loves them. So today as we're leaving church I asked Savannah what she learned, as I do every Sunday. Most Sundays she says her normal one word answer . . . anything from "God" to "church". Today, however, was a different story. When we finally got in the car and I again asked Savannah what she learned in church today she said "Jesus loves me!" I could feel the tears coming as my heart swelled up with pride. Yes, Savannah, Jesus does love you.

I am so thankful for Ms. Teresa who faithfully teaches Savannah in Sunday school every single Sunday. It's sad to even think that in just three weeks Savannah will be moved out of her class; what a blessing she has been!


Donna said...

That's sweet, Chrystal! I know that made you feel proud. I love when Caroline tells me what she learned in church, too:)

Is Ms. Teresa the lady that used to keep childcare at aerobics? She was sweet.

Nancy said...

So sweet! We love Ms. Teresa too!

Anonymous said...

too sweet as i sit here with tears in my eyes. out of the mouths of babes ----- i am very proud of you and dave for giving savannah the opportunity to know that Jesus loves her and very thankful you have a loving church to nuture her as she grows spritually. the world would be a better place if EVERYBODY could just know what savannah knows. dad/deb