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Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Fun Filled Saturday in Burlington

Dave and I learned the hard way that we should not tell Savannah in advance of any fun filled days . . . from Friday night when we told her that we were going to ride a train tomorrow with Pawpaw until we finally arrived at the park on Saturday morning, all we heard was "I ride choo choo". She actually cried, screamed, and kicked the last hour of the trip to Burlington she was so ready to ride the train. Whew. It was a long trip, but super fun once we finally arrived!!

We rode the train (only once because the loud whistle scared her to death) and then the kids all rode in a truck, carousel, helicopter and even a boat! What a perfect park for kids this age. There wasn't one thing there that they couldn't ride. After riding everything once Deborah had packed quite a spread of a picnic. There were all kinds of sandwiches to choose from, chips, tons of fruit, and even a birthday cake for me and Denny! After lunch we headed back for some more rides and finally left around 2:00.

Then we headed over to Granny's house to visit with her before heading back to Charlotte. They picked some fresh flowers, played in the garden, and even caught a bumble bee. Savannah had a blast all day and totally crashed once we were on the road home.


Donna said...

I love that picture of Savannah where she's all smiles! I know you all had a lot of fun--it looked fun. Your neice and nephew are adorable, too.

Nancy said...

How fun - Savannah is a doll. I missed seeing you today!