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Friday, June 27, 2008

Finally, a Well Visit

I can't tell you how awesome it felt to walk into Charlotte Pediatrics and sit on the WELL side today! :) It's been a very long time since we had that privilege and today I counted it a huge blessing to sit amongst the well children of the world! Anyway, here are our stats from Savannah's 2 year check up: Weight 39.75 lbs, Height 35.5 in, Head 51 cm . . . all of which are still above the 97 percentile. I won't be listing these much longer as I know Savannah is embarrassed by me telling people how much she weighs. :)

For the first time ever, Dr. Baker informed us that Savannah was overweight. Yikes! I guess we're going to have to give up some of those chicken nuggets now for sure. We talked a long time about the food issue as even the pink food coloring isn't working just yet. It does get new foods into her mouth, but once she realizes it's not peanut butter or chicken nuggets she spits it back out. Progress, one step at a time. We're also going to start thinking about putting together her toddler bed. What happened to my baby??

On another positive note, our e-mail has miraculously started working perfectly again! I even forwarded a huge e-mail with 3 pictures attached today. Thank you Lord!!!


Anonymous said...

savannah overweight?!!! no way she's just fluffy---and lovable. i'm so glad the dr. visit was a well visit this time. do they make little bitty treadmills? hehehe love ya'll dad/deb

Donna said...

I'm so glad you had a good check-up! Once you get that toddler bed put together, it just means one thing...time to fill the crib with another Bachmann:)

Nancy said...

Yeah for a good well visit.

And I agree with Donna about moving one baby out of a crib!!

Sherri said...

Love your blog! If you find a way to get Savannah to eat something other than chicken nuggets, please share. That's a staple in our house for our youngest!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetie, I helped raise you - remember??? Savannah's got nothing on YOU. . . you are getting a little payback for all the times I put you in the car and rode you around for an hour or two to get you to take your nap. And the endless hours I sat with you in my lap and rubbed your forehead so you would go to sleep . . . you were so afraid of missing something .^_^. And every minute I spent with you was another minute of loving you. And I still do, lots and lots. Aunt Cherry