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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Fearless on the Playground

Today Savannah and I met my friend Robin and her cute son, Josh (who is only 3 months younger than Savannah), for a play date at the park. Robin and I go way back, even before Dave was in the picture, to my first days at Carmel Baptist. I remember having Bible study at her house once a week . . . and oh how interesting our conversations were. Anyway, it was great to catch up with her today and let our kiddos get all hot and sweaty at the park. I took tons of pictures and later realized that the memory stick to my camera was here at home sitting on the computer waiting for me to have time to list items on eBay. Oh well.

I have to say that Savannah has made huge progress when it comes to the playground. The last time we went to this park, only a month or so ago, she would barely do anything and maybe slid down one slide. Her main focus was the swings, a safe way to play. Today she was almost fearless as she tried out EVERY slide there! At first I was quite nervous and tried to go down with her or catch her at the end, but by the end of the morning, I was confident that she could do them herself. The only downside is that there are parts of the playgrounds for bigger kids that drop off and I have to follow her around to make sure she doesn't attempt to go down one of the poles, nets, or other climbing thingies. Otherwise we're almost to the point where I could sit and watch as she played by herself. We had to take lots of water breaks and left with some rosy cheeks, but all in all it was a super fun day at the park!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we're glad savannah had such a good day at the park and exploring new things. don't be too nervous as she tries out new adventures, you'll be surprised what she can do as you hold your breath! :) growing up at her age is all about pushing it to the edge,she'll know what is too much. hard for mom's as they bite their nails but a good confidence builder for the little ones. hold on it doesn't get easier! :) dad/deb