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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Savannah!!

As I sit here today, I can hardly even believe that my little girl is officially two years old! Although this weekend has been amazing and we have truly enjoyed spending time with all of our family and friends, there's a part of me that is a little sad. It seems like just yesterday that we were coming home from the hospital with our new baby. So much of these past two years I've spent wishing away and now our baby is two! Although it's been a wild journey and Dave and I have both learned a lot, I am thankful for the experience. God has held us, comforted us, and walked us through these past two years and I'm so thankful for the lessons we've learned. That noted, if and when there is a baby in the future, please God, we've learned the lessons so we beg for an easy baby!!!

Seriously though, we love Savannah to death. We love the way she carries "B" around and rubs him on our face when we're feeling bad, the way she gives bear hugs and says "love you", the way she laughs, and the way she keeps us on our toes. There is never a dull moment around here for sure. We love the fact that she loves going to church, enjoys talking on the phone, and likes to read books. The list could go on and on and in the end the good times far outweigh the hard ones.

I do have to say that I couldn't have made it without Dave as well. So, today as we celebrate Savannah, I also celebrate Father's Day. I'm thankful for a husband who is committed to raising a godly child and for helping me daily with the endless chores around the house. Your post is coming honey!


Anna Morrison said...

Happy 2nd Birthday to Savannah! Enjoy this special day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Savannah!

The time flies by, doesn't it? I can't believe Emily will soon be 3. They're a handful, but they sure are a blessing. :)