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Monday, December 10, 2007

A Table for Two

Dave and I decided a couple of weeks ago that Savannah needed her own little kid table. That way she could sit and color, play, eat, or do whatever at her own little table without any worries of making a mess on our white kitchen table. So, yesterday I found one advertised for only $20 at Aldi foods. We purchased it and were going to wait to Christmas to give it to her. However, she was so intrigued by the box and I was so afraid she was going to pull it over on herself that I opened it and let her try it out this morning. I have to say that she LOVES it. Here is a picture of her with a bunch of my spices that she pulled out of the pantry and some pineapple. Notice the security bib that she put on herself, backwards. I'm not sure if she was pretending to cook, have a tea party, or just making her usual mess. Either way, it kept her entertained until it was time for aerobics! What a great purchase!!


Donna said...

Cute! I love how she put on a bib by herself! Who knows what she was thinking sitting there playing in the kitchen?!
We just got a table for Caroline for our kitchen and she loves it, too! I need to find chairs for it, though.

Anonymous said...

she may be a chef in the making! isn't amazing how quickly they learn things on their own? after santa comes ya'll can have your own cooking/eating time in her little "apartment". too cute