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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Stats

Today Savannah had her 18 month check up with Dr. Baker. I have to say that her doctor appointments are bitter sweet for me. I spend weeks before counting down the days until we can go and get all of my questions answered. However, it's also SO hard holding her down to get shots. Thankfully, we were one day early today and that kept her from having to get an additional shot . . . we only got two instead of three today. I have to tell you how thankful I am for Dave, a dad who takes off from work and drives all the way across town just to be there for Savannah's appointment. It means SO much to me for him to be there!!

The appointment went well, excluding a minor scare that we might have to get a CT scan because her head was measuring too big. The nurse came in and remeasured and said that it was fine. Whew. She's up to 35 inches tall (I can't believe she's almost 3 feet tall!), 33 pounds, and 50 cm head circumference . .. all still well above the 97th percentile. At least we're consistent with being off the charts. Dr. Baker was very patient and assured me that she would eventually start eating things other than chicken nuggets and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. What a relief to know that I'm not doing permanent damage by feeding her the same two things for over four months!! He also said that we needed to let her cry it out at night, even if she does throw up. So, sorry Savannah, no more books at 3am!!

Here are just two cute pictures of her helping clean before leaving for our appointment. I had to laugh when one of the questions on the checklist at the doctor's office was "Does your child mimic what you do?" Oh yeah, we've got that one down!


Anonymous said...

don't worry about what she eats. shane ate nothing but applesauce and weiners until he was 3 except at breakfast he would eat an egg or cereal. now he's 6'3" and weighs 235 and eats everything!
just keep introducing new foods she'll eventually get curious.
these pictures are too cute!
see ya in 5 days dad/deb

Donna said...

I love the pictures! Roy Austin's head is in the 90th percentile and Caroline's has always been in the 75th! I guess our children just have big heads!

She is such a cute, cute girl!