Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

She's 18 Months Old Already?!

This past week we have experienced being parents to what seems like a completely different child. Now that the rash is cleared up, she is truly starting to settle into a good schedule. It seems as if she's getting enough sleep too as our nights no longer consist of a screaming baby, but a dancing toddler. That's right, a dancing toddler. She seems to have moves (or lack of them) like her daddy, but that doesn't stop her from spinning in circles anytime we play some music around the house. After much time spent trying to get the video uploaded onto the blog, I've finally given up . .. so sorry you can't see our little dancer perform her newest moves.

Seriously though, what a relief to know that it does get better. I can hardly believe she turned 18 months old yesterday. Though hard at times, Savannah truly has blessed our little family more than I ever imagined possible.


Donna said...

Chrystal, when Caroline turned 18 months, that's when I got the "baby bug" and wanted to try for #2. Hmmmmmm.

BTW, I LOVED your Christmas card! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

we can't believe savannah and madi are growing so fast - we need another baby and kristen says no way although denny just smiles. they grow up so fast and GOD has blessed us with healthy and talented babies. :) can't wait to see all of you at Christmas.