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Thursday, October 11, 2007

High on Life

Many of you know how excited I get over a good deal . . . there is almost nothing that makes me feel such a rush as watching the savings tick away at the cash register!! Well, today has been one of those incredibly high days. My neighbor called yesterday to tell me that it was triple coupons at Lowe's Food Wed.-Fri. this week. Normally I would not shop at Lowe's as they don't carry lots of what we normally buy, but knowing that they were basically giving away groceries made me go there twice already today. The first trip I bought 21 items (the coupon limit is 20 per transaction) for a whopping 19 cents total!! So excited, I decided to try my luck again and headed back with another 20 coupons after lunch. All in all I ended up saving $99.23 and only spent $7.62!! I called Dave and now he wants in on the action (it's very contagious) so I'm gathering him another 20 coupons to use tonight after work!

We've also had a grand day around the house. Savannah has been doing wonderfully with managing the teething so we've been able to play outside and enjoy the awesome cooler weather. Welcome Fall!!


Donna said...

Wow! That's awesome! I'm going there tomorrow after I drop Caroline off at school:)

I love this weather, too! I have all the windows opened and a nice breeze is going through the house!!

kristin said...

They were out of 1/2 of everything I had coupons for! Oh well. I did get a pack of toilet paper for $1...woo hoo! I think I used all of my good coupons at HT on triples 2 weeks ago. Sounds like you did great!!

Anonymous said...

good job on the shopping - the simple things in life are sometimes the most exciting. i know savannah is enjoying the weather since she is not a summer time girl right now. it's been great outdoor weather for the both of you to play - enjoy it while it lasts. see ya soon kiss the princess! deb/dad

Donna said...

Our family went last night. It was like playing a game:) Roy had fun, too. We spent $20 total but we saved about $50 in coupons. Kristin, we got the $1 toilet paper, too:)