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Monday, October 29, 2007

The Heat is On, but the Colds are Still Here

We finally decided to bite the bullet and turn the heat on last night. Before going to bed it was a chilling 67 in the house so we decided that it would be best to go ahead and switch from air to heat. Well, Savannah must have liked it because she slept over 13 hours last night, waking up after 8:15 this morning. WOW!! Welcome Fall.

We're all still trying to recover from week long colds. Dave is much better now thanks to a nice round of antibiotics, but I'm still feeling a little icky which prevented me from visiting my friend Donna and her precious new baby Roy Austin. Congrats Donna! I can't wait to feel better so I can finally meet him.

Savannah still has a runny nose and unfortunately is back into an eating slump, only this time she doesn't want to eat anything. Since Saturday she hasn't finished a single meal that we've given her, which is way out of the ordinary for our little chump. I'm just praying that her little runny nose has nothing to do with the non eating. I called the doctor again this morning and of course they say we're doing all of the right things, but to just watch her. Thankfully they said that they she's not contagious, but that we should bring her in by the end of the week if she's still not any better.

I have to share a little dialogue that occurred at our dinner table on Saturday night. Savannah comes over to the table waving her arm in front of her face saying "shoo, shoo" which means that she has a poopy diaper. When I said "Savannah, do you have a poopy?" She quickly replied "Oh, yeah!" We laughed so hard we were almost crying!!

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