Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

In Less than a Minute

It was only a minute, barely enough time to send one quick e-mail, and this is what I find . . . Savannah covered in crystal light lemonade mix. One of her new favorite hobbies is pulling everything out of the pantry and it just so happens that the lemonade was in reach and was very appealing to her today. I knew something was going on when all was quiet and boy was I right! She was covered, legs, feet, hands, and all. Never a dull moment!


Anna Morrison said...

great shot. glad you grabbed the camera. laugh through it. it only escalades. brayden is enjoying the potty, my toothbrush and the potted plant these days. ahhh . . . motherhood:)

Donna said...

that is hilarious! Her face is priceless in that picture. I bet she liked licking her fingers after that happened:)

Just think, Friday is 2 days away!!!