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Thursday, September 06, 2007

First Steps

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Savannah has finally started taking a few steps!!! Can you tell how excited I am?! Now, she's not quite to the walking stage yet, but if you have just what she wants and hold it just the right distance in front of her she'll waddle over and get it. She had taken a 1/2 step last week, but it wasn't until yesterday when I was going over a mystery shop receipt (ignoring her) and she saw her milk on the counter and took off to get it. It was so exciting!! Hopefully soon I'll capture it on video and post it for all to see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

watch out - the world is a playground with lots of new things to see-fun for her,exhausting for you and dave. can't wait to see her toddling around- watch out madison!
love ya'll deb/dad