Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I Hate Teething

Ok, so most of you moms are agreeing with me right now, but I am so done with this teething thing. When is it ever going to end? Savannah has cut some molars in the top of her mouth and appears to have at least two other teeth coming in as well. For the past two days she's alternated with a fever on and off and has been as ill as a hornet. It is SO difficult to get anything done with a teething toddler!!

On a brighter note she's walking lots. I still haven't captured it on video, but she is getting better and better each day. She takes about 7-8 steps each time before either giving up, falling, or deciding that crawling is faster (the baboon way that is). At least she keeps us laughing! :)

1 comment:

Anna Morrison said...

sorry about the fussiness. teething is no fun at all.
hang in there. you are doing a great job. :)