Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Fun Sunday

Today has been a day full of excitement. We started the morning with promotion Sunday at church, which means that Savannah moved up to a big girl Sunday school class. Then, we had a fun filled afternoon around the house with some family play time. Savannah's almost taking a few steps. After standing up today, she moved her feet a little. PROGRESS. Her latest trick is being able to get on and off her Pooh car that Pawpaw and Deborah gave her for her birthday. She can only move backwards once she's on it, but she's mastered the getting on and off part! I went to a baby shower this afternoon and now, things are silent. Ahhhh . . . I can only hear the whisper of the computer running. Dave is at his fantasy football draft, Savannah is in bed, and I'm in my PJs waiting for Big Brother to come on. Here are some pictures from our day.

Going for a pony ride on mommy's tummy

Savannah helping herself to some puffs before lunch

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