Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A Different Child

WOW! What a difference a day makes. After I posted my blog entry yesterday and asked several friends to pray for us, Savannah woke up from her afternoon nap a different child. She was laughing, playing, and even drank lots of milk last night. Honestly, it was the first time in almost two weeks that I've seen and heard her laugh out loud, and laugh a lot!! Of course her laughing made me excited enough to do a happy dance, which made her laugh even more. It was awesome. I was afraid to post last night thinking that I would jinx her for today, but so far it's been a great day! I don't know if it was immediately answered prayers or just Savannah hearing the doctor say "No more table food", but either way, it has worked.

She's back to eating table food and drinking lots of milk. Whew. I went to the grocery store early this morning and tried to buy a few new things for her so hopefully that will help to. Now she's screaming because she doesn't want a nap, but that's the least of my worries. She's eating again. YIPPEE!!

Thanks so much for all of your prayers, God is so good!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Yea, Savannah! I'm happy for both of you! I know it's such a relief to have a happy, eating baby again:)