Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Monday, July 09, 2007

I QUIT!!!!!!!!

Well, today was not such a great day in the Bachmann household. I spent the entire morning trying to get chores finished up from the weekend "to do" list, entertaining a baby who needs attention ALL of the time, discovering that our downstairs air conditioner was broken (might I add that we just found out Sunday a week ago that the upstairs unit will probably not last another month and has to be replaced ASAP as well), and just feeling pretty defeated all together. Praise the Lord that Dave was already scheduled for a half day of vacation this afternoon because I met him at the door and told him I was headed to Target to apply for a job!

Wouldn't it just be easier to take Savannah to day care and let her throw cheerios on someone else's floor . . . and let someone else try to figure out her new schedule . . . and let someone else change dirty diaper after dirty diaper . . . and let someone else entertain her 12 hours a day??? Today I actually felt like it would be worth working full time and putting my entire earnings toward day care. Whew! As the saying goes, when it rains it pours ~ I think we're flooding here!

1 comment:

laurie said...

It IS worth staying home, dirty diapers, dirty floors, dirty clothes and ALL.