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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Baboon Walk

Savannah is trying so hard to walk . . . we're just not quite there yet. Now that she's perfected the real baby crawl, she's on to bigger and "better" modes of transportation, what I like to call the baboon walk. It's very difficult to describe, but hopefully the picture will help. She goes across the room with her legs fully extended, her hands on the floor, and bottom high in the air. No matter what I'm doing when she takes off I just laugh like crazy!!


Donna said...

That's so cute! That's great that she's trying to walk so soon:)

I STILL have Savannah's birthday gift sitting in our house! I need to bring it by so she can at least use it this summer!

Anonymous said...

she is precious! i wish we could see that "walk" eventhough i get the image with the picture.your dad laughed when he saw it. she certainly is innovative and determined to do what ever to accomplish her goal! shows what the future might hold. love ya'll