Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Well I think I've discovered part of Savannah's sickness . . . four new teeth coming in all at once. During one of those precious belly laughs of hers I happened to notice some white showing on her top gums. After a little further investigation, I found that all four top front teeth are coming in at once. OUCH! That definitely explains the fussiness and irritability. Part of me is so sad that I'll never again see that big grin with only two teeth showing.

I still think she had some type of virus, but today she seems to be better on the vomiting and diarrhea front. Praise the Lord. Please just pray that the teeth come in quickly and don't disrupt her sleep.

1 comment:

Anna Morrison said...

You are doing an amazing mommy job there, Chrystal. This soon shall pass! Stay encouraged. Love you.