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Friday, May 04, 2007

Making messes

As most of you know I am a neat freak. Although I have to say that motherhood has changed me a bit, I am still borderline obsessive compulsive about things being in order (the clean part is what I've lost with having Savannah)! Anyway, today I was rushing through one of my least favorite tasks, changing her crib sheets, and decided to put Savannah in her closet so I could keep her out of trouble for just a few minutes. I kept the door open so I could tell if she was really messing things up, but today the phone rang just as I was finishing up the task. I rushed to the phone and tried to hurry through the conversation remembering that Savannah was left unattended in her closet. When I returned, here is what I found . . .

Thankfully, I remembered to pile the baskets on top of the shoes as those are usually what she pulls out first! Although she had pulled just about every book off of the shelf, I kept calm remembering the advice of my dear friend, Elizabeth. "If she has 15 minutes of fun messing something up that that only takes you 2 minutes to clean, then it's all worth it!"

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