Welcome to the craziness of our life!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

What a Week . . .

This week has been insane . . . just in the past seven days I have dealt with having the floor refinished, a leaking roof, kitchen lights that stopped working, landscape drainage issues (meetings with landscaper and two drainage companies), having two big trees removed, a broken dryer, some strange humming noise from the bedroom, having appliances reinstalled only to discover that the dishwasher was damaged, having the appliance repairman come for the dishwasher, vibrating lights in the kitchen and dining room, gutters repaired only to see that they are still leaking after said repair, having a wasp nest removed by the professionals, and a bonus of kid dental work.  I'm about to just sell this house and move to an apartment!!!  

The landscaper has determined that we need to get grass to grow better in the backyard to hold more water pouring from uphill and prevent erosion/French drain blockage.  So the first step was to get the trees out so the Bermuda grass could get more sun.  I was feeling a bit guilty about having trees removed just to get grass to grow . . until the tree guys showed me the inside of the tree.  Yikes!!!  It was almost completely rotted out and uphill from the kids' bedrooms!  So thankful we got it out before it fell and caused damage.  We would never have known because it looked perfect from the outside.  

The only bright side to this week was having Savannah home for a super long weekend (I love the UNC mental awareness days).  She wasn't able to get the early train Thursday so it was a super late night getting home, but we loved having her here.  The main purpose was to hit her favorite consignment sale Friday, but she also enjoyed going into Cakeable and of course some errands and shops with me. :)  There may have been some time spent baking to make her super happy the day before going back to school.  I got up at 5 and we hit the road by 5:15am today to get her back for her 8am class.  It was quite the crazy drive with awful rain most of the way, but we made it safely and I made it back home in time to meet the tree guys and drainage crew.  Now apparently there is more rain on the way so we are hoping for the best and praying for no damage in the wake of the hurricane!  And can someone please pray that stuff stops breaking around here . . . 

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