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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Chuck E Cheese Tradition Continues

We were determined to keep the tradition of going to Chuck E Cheese for Preston's birthday!  With everyone's crazy schedule it took us a bit longer to get there (as he was actually at camp on his birthday) but we made it happen.  It was SO frustrating that so many games were broken and out of order, but we made the best of it!  This year the kids seemed to focus on the claw game to retrieve as many of the balls as they could . . and then gave a few away before leaving. :)

I sort of had to take things into my own hands when my absolute favorite game was broken.  I climbed onto the skee ball to retrieve the bean bags needed for my game. :)

Never-the-less, it was another memorable, fun adventure at the local Chuck E Cheese.  I'm grateful that we kept the tradition AND that I had a Groupon so it wasn't that much money out of pocket for a broken dump Chuck E Cheese. LOL

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