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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Preston is 15!!!

This year Preston celebrated his birthday at camp so when he got home we had a cake ready!  We were also excited to finally get rid of his little boy bed and upgrade him to a full size one.  His room is a complete disaster but we are slowly making progress with getting the old furniture out and the new pieces assembled.

This kid continues to amaze me.  He is so fit and focused on working out and being healthy . . . yet can eat like a horse some days.  He can run like the wind and loves a good competition.  It is RARE for him to complain (about something other than school work and chores anyway) and has a huge heart.  He always looks out for others and tries to make the best of the most unfortunate situations (like injuries).  He is thrilled about getting his permit in a few weeks but is a bit anxious about high school.  Never the less, we are excited to see what the year ahead holds as he sort of becomes an only child with Savannah away at school.  Happy 15th Dodo!!!

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