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Saturday, June 15, 2024

Happy 18th Savannah!!!

I cannot believe Savannah is officially an adult today!  In so many ways she has already been an adult, but today it's on record that she is legally an adult.  It was such a joy to celebrate with her in person (since camp dates were moved this year) and do all of the things she wanted to do.  We started the morning with a fun trip to the Cakeable market uptown.

We all went to see Inside Out 2

We had dinner at Cheesecake Factory where she enjoyed her all time fav, mac and cheese burger.

And of course, cheesecake for dessert!

 Lastly, there were gifts.  It's hard to buy so much at once with graduation just behind us, but this girl is so frugal and careful in what she asks for that it is usually a joy to shower her with presents. :)

She is quite an amazing woman.  She isn't only beautiful and brilliant, but also a woman who fears the Lord and isn't afraid to stand up for her beliefs . . . yet does so in a delicate way.  She has a heart of gold and loves others so well, always pouring into the younger generation at church and also her friends at Cakeable.  Her gifts of leadership, editing, serving, and knowing how to slow down too, just all come naturally as she skips through life.  It's an honor, joy, privilege, and blessing to call her mine and I absolutely can't wait to see what God has planned for her in the years to come. 

Happy 18th Savannah!!!

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